About Shop Ally

how it all started

One of my earlier memories as a child is my mom taking me
along to a jewelry making class. I fell in love with the craft and had so much fun creatively expressing myself through jewelry.

I also grew up with a love and appreciation for vintage jewelry. When I was young girl, my grandmother gave me some pieces of jewelry from her collection. One of these items was a vintage silver ring that I wore every single day for years. Knowing there is a history behind each piece and that many of the items were worn and treasured by my ancestors makes them feel even more special.

I feel such an intrigue and draw to vintage jewelry, with a desire to rework it into a more modern design that will allow it to continue
being treasured and worn in a new way. I spend hours scouring online looking for unique vintage pieces that I can create something new from. Knowing each jewelry piece has already lived a life (or many) with people that came before me makes it even more special and treasured.


Shop Ally is located in the heart of Texas in the great city of Dallas! The founder attended Southern Methodist University for her college education and just never left.

We highly recommend you come for a visit, Dallas has so much to offer!

Just a tip: Don't visit in the summer, just take our word for it. (100+ degree temps - no thanks!)